Thursday, March 12, 2015

The In Matthew 14 and 15, the description of what happen those days was truly magnificent. In both occasions the lord came unto a multitude who were in desperate need or nourishment. Not only of the body but of the spirit. Unfortunately there was only a minimal amount of food and thousands of people on both occasions. The Savior instructed his disciples to break the bread and prepare the fish and distribute it to the multitudes. Through His grace and power, that minimal amount of food was not only sufficient for everyone to be fed, but there was a surplus left over. This account of these miriacles relates to our own insuffficent amounts of “food” for ourselves. We cannot truly be nourished on our own or through our own means. That is why the Lord must come take all that we can give, if we are willing, and help us to turn it into all that we would ever need and more. As in Ether 12:27 He speaks of how if men will come unto Him, he can make their weaknesses strengths if we will humble ourselves to him.
1.    The Savior provided two similar miracles. As a summary of what took place, complete the following chart:

Matthew 14:14-21
Matthew 15:32-38
How many people were present?
 About 5000, beside women and children
 400 Men, beside women and children
What did they need?
What were they able to offer in an effort to meet that need?
 Five loaves and 2 fishes
 Seven loaves and a few fishes.
What words or phrases describe the Savior's feeling toward the multitudes in their time of need?
 They need not depart; give ye them to eat. Bring them hither to eat.
 I have compassion on the multitude, because they continue with me now three days, and have nothing to eat: and I will not send them away fasting, lest they faint in the way.
What words or phrases describe what the Savior was able to provide for the multitudes?

2.    In each story, the available food was insufficient to feed the multitude, yet with the help of the Lord the insufficiency was overcome. Read Romans 3:23 and ​explain in writing another way human effort is insufficient in receiving the glory of God. According to Ether 12:27, how does the Lord help us overcome this insufficiency? See above.

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