Saturday, March 30, 2013

According the the Epistle to the Hebrews, and an analysis given in the Bible Dictionary, Christ is truly a supreme being. Some examples given are:
1.    Superiority of Jesus: (a) Jesus is greater than the angels. He has a more excellent name, inheritance, and higher calling. They are servants; He is the Son (1:4–2:18). (b) If the word of angels is important, how much “more earnest heed” we ought to give to the things spoken by the Lord (Jesus) (2:1–4).
2.    Jesus is greater than Moses. Moses was a faithful servant, but Jesus was a faithful son (3:1–6).
3.    The superiority of Jesus’ word: (a) The Israelites while traveling through the wilderness could not enter into the Promised Land because they did not believe and obey the teachings of God received through Moses (3:7–19). (b) How much more important it is, therefore, to obey the words of Jesus who is greater than Moses, if we wish to enter the heavenly land (4:1–2).
4.    Jesus, as a high priest of Melchizedek, is superior to the high priests of the Law of Moses: (a) Jesus was of the order of Melchizedek, which is greater than the order of Aaron. Melchizedek was even greater than Abraham (7:1–12). (b) The law of the Melchizedek Priesthood (gospel) is greater than the law of the Aaronic Priesthood (Law of Moses) (5:1–7:28).

In Hebrews 1 Paul taught of the truths of Christ. Christ’s throne is for ever and ever, a sceptre of righteousness is the sceptre of thy kingdom. He loved righteousness and hated iniquity. He laid the foundations of the heavens and the earth in the beginning.

Christ came to earth because He needed to be put below the angels and be able to suffer death, that through death he might cdestroy him that had the power of ddeath, that is, the edevil. Through his coming to earth all men are able to obtain mercy. He had to go forth, suffering pains and aafflictions andbtemptations of every kind; and this that the word might be fulfilled which saith he will ctake upon him the pains and the sicknesses of his people. By he so coming to the earth to suffer all for us, can see tha all is possible because we are not greater than he yet through him all is possible.

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