Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Three Separate Beings

Matthew 3:13–17. The Baptism of Jesus Christ

·         Why was John hesitant to baptize Jesus?
I believe that John was hesitant to baptize the Savior because he knew exactly who he was. And by knowing who he was he knew that he was a perfect being who did not, in his eyes, need the saving ordinance of baptism because through the Savior that ordinance is able to work.
·         What is taught here about the Holy Ghost? 
It is taught that the Holy Ghost is indeed the third person in the Godhead and that he is not in the form of a dove, but has the ability to manifest the dove a sign that he is present at that time. Satan does not have that ability so he cannot deceive with the same sign.
·         Jesus Christ said He must be baptized to “fulfill all righteousness.” List three reasons why Jesus Christ was baptized (see 2 Nephi 31:6–11).
The number one reason was because He loves his Father and wanted to be completely obedient to the laws and commands he has given to the children of men. Second, He was able to have the gift of the Holy Ghost, and third, He wanted to show us all the way and the path to return to our Father in heaven.

·         What evidence is found in Matthew 3:16–17 that the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost are three separate personages in the Godhead?

The evidence that shows that they are three separate being is the fact that one, the Savior was here on Earth being baptized, two, the Holy Ghost offered the sign of the Dove to show that he was now with the Savior, and Third, Heavenly Father spake from heaven of his pleasure he had with His Son for being obedient to Him.

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