Wednesday, April 10, 2013

  1. Read 2 Peter 2:1–19. Record the characteristics of false teachers described by Peter. Explain in writing how your list helps you recognize false teachers today.
1.      Deny the Lord
2.      Covetousness
3.      Walk after the flesh in lust of uncleanliness
4.      Despise constituted authority
5.      Boastful
6.      Not afraid to speak evil
7.      Find pleasure in reveling
8.      Adulterers
9.      Leading others astray
10.  Loving money
11.  Focus on vain things of the world
12.  Preach freedom but only deliver bondage.

This list helps us to identify the false teachers of our day by bringing to light the many attributes of those who desire to bring us down. If we can recognize these characteristics in someone we can know to say away from them.

  1. Read 2 Peter 2:20–22; Doctrine and Covenants 82:3, 7. In your own words, write a few sentences describing the dangers of returning to the “pollutions of the world.”

If we are someone who returns to the pollutions of the world, we not only will lose the light inside of us but we will also be held even more accountable than if we had committed the same act before we had a knowledge of its being wrong. For, now that we have seen the light, to turn away from it is to deny it, and the consequence of such is severe.

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